Research in the Park

There has been considerable research carried in the Brisbane Ranges National Park over many years - from Koalas, Birds, Wildlowers, Phytophthora Cinnamomi and Waterwatch monitoring -  and more.

We love to hear more about the research carried out and may be able to include some information and links here.

Putting the boot into Phytophthora cinnamoni 

Parks Victoria and Deakin unite to combat deadly pathogen.

Deakin University's Plant Research Group has joined forces with Parks Victoria in a research project led by Dr Jim Rookes aimed at maintaining biodiversity in the Brisbane Ranges National Park.

The project goes under the formal name of “Analysis of Phytophthora cinnamoni decontamination procedures in the Brisbane Ranges National Park”.

Golden Grevillea (Grevillea chrysophaea) 

FoBR Member Julie Atkinson is researching this plant and in June 2014 she sent us information and photos about her research.  

In May 2014 FoBR donated a couple of small plants (propagated by another Friend, Judy Locke - a fellow lover of this plant) and Julie is now nurturing these two precious plants.  We hope to hear more about her research.  Thank you Julie.

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Grevillea hybrid golden lyre